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JULY 12TH, 13TH 2020


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RIP - February, 15th 2019

François CURIEL

Chairman, Christie’s Europ & Asia Pacific


François Curiel is a leading figure in the international auction world, who began his career in 1969 at Christie’s in London as an intern. Since 2010, he has been based in Hong Kong, following leadership positions in London, Madrid, New York, Geneva and Paris. A world renowned jewellery specialist, he heads Christie’s global Luxury division. Mr Curiel is on the board of Christie’s parent company, and also a member of Christie’s executive management group which oversees the firm’s activity on a worldwide basis. In 2016 he was promoted to the rank of Commander of the French Legion of Honor.

Jean - Luc CHETRIT

Jean-Luc CHETRIT, 50 years old, graduated from the Lyon business school (EM Lyon). He began his career within the commercial department of Procter & Gamble. He joined Nestle in 1994, where he occupied, in France and then in Asia, growing responsibilities in both marketing (the Nescafé brand) and in the development of large accounts (Carrefour, Tesco, Wal-Mart).

In 2005, he joined Gillette Europe where he became Chief of large international accounts. Returning to Procter & Gamble, he was named head of commercial management for France and Europe for several of the group large accounts.

In 2009, Jean-Luc CHETRIT was the director of Marketing Communication at Procter & Gamble France and a member of the leadership committee. In this position, he notably successfully put in place a new marketing organization and a new model of collaboration with the agencies and media partners, allowing the development of more integrated communication plans. He also led the rapid development of digital activities and brand content, awarded numerous prizes. He is also a member of the leadership committee of the Union of Advertisers (Union des Annonceurs).

Since october 2012 Jean-Luc CHETRIT has been named to the position of President of Carat France, the world's leading independent media planning and buying specialist and the market-leader in digital and non-traditional media solutions. In 2013 he became also vice-president of UDECAM (Union of media agencies) then President in 2015 and 2016.


A great lover and connoisseur of painting, no less learned in his passion for poetry, Alain Planès enjoys a career in his own image: right from the start he has followed the path of life rather than the siren songs of a glory that demands too many compromises. There is in him something of a curious blend of Proust and Wilde. 
With the first he shares his relationship with time, profound, expanded, Schubertian. With the second, a certain intellectual dandyism, a form of refined cynicism that nonetheless does not sacrifice tenderness. 
From a mother with an artistic temperament, a painter and music-lover, he has inherited and retained fervent humility and disinterestedness of gesture. In the end it is this that creates style – rigour is of little use without grace. 
This multi-faceted sensibility discovered the piano at five, first played with orchestra three years later, and set off for the United States after the Paris Conservatoire in search of another way of making music: with Pressler, Sebök, Primrose and Starker, whose regular concert partner Alain Planès long remained in the USA and Europe. 
Soloist, chambrist, accompanist, teacher – every aspect of his art arouses his interest. Moreover, he had the opportunity of discovering the entire classical and contemporary repertoire by playing it through on two pianos with François Michel, a friend of Stravinsky’s, in whose home Michel had mingled with the great intellectual figures of the time such as Malraux, Deleuze, Cassandre, and later Miró. 
When he returned to France a few years later it was to become, at the request of Pierre Boulez, solo pianist of the Ensemble Intercontemporain, where he remained until 1981. His in-depth work with such eminent composers as Boulez, Stockhausen, Ligeti and Berio set the final seal on the eclecticism of his playing, and prompted the foremost music festivals to seek out his presence. These include La Roque-d’Anthéron, Montreux, Aix-en-Provence, and the prestigious Marlboro Festival where he has appeared for many years now, faithful to his exceptionally close association with Rudolf Serkin. 


Etudes : Lycée de Sarrebrück

Diplômé de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC 1961)

Diplôme d’Expertise Comptable.


Ordre du Soleil Levant (Japon), Etoile d’Or et d’Argent

Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur et Officier des Palmes Académiques

Commandeur dans l’Ordre National du Mérite

Docteur Honoris Causae de l’Ecole de Management de Grenoble



Un parcours d’entrepreneur :


1963 – 1970                 Arthur Andersen

                                                Auditeur puis Directeur du département de révision comptable


1970 – 1998                 Compagnie Industrielle et Financière de Pompey devenue Strafor-Facom

                                                Directeur du Plan

                                                Directeur général (1976)

                                                Président-Directeur Général (1981-1998)


Depuis 1999                Schneider Electric

                                                Administrateur depuis 1996

                                                Président-directeur général de 1999 à 2006

                                                Président du Conseil de Surveillance de 2006 à 2013

                                                Vice Président, Administrateur Référent de Schneider Electric depuis avril 2013

                                                Administrateur de Schneider Electric depuis mai 2014


Autres fonctions :


  • Vice-président d'Honneur du Conseil de Surveillance de VIVENDI

  • Membre du Conseil de Surveillance de NORBERT DENTRESSANGLE

  • Administrateur de CARMAT

  • Censeur de FIMALAC

  • Président du Conseil d’Administration du Centre Chirurgical MARIE LANNELONGUE (CCML)

  • Président de l’INSTITUT TELEMAQUE

  • Administrateur de la FONDATION ENTREPRENDRE

  • Vice-président et trésorier de l’INSTITUT MONTAIGNE

  • Vice-président fondateur de l’association PACTE PME

  • Membre du Conseil d’Administration de PlaNet Finance

  • Président du Comité de Campagne Fondation Université de Strasbourg

Yaacov AGAM

Issu d'une famille juive pratiquante fils de rabbin, Yaacov Agam se forme d'abord à Jérusalem à l'École Bezalel (1946-1948) que dirige Mordecai lui permettent d'approfondir la théorie de la couleur et les principes du constructivisme. Parallèlement, il travaille comme graphiste dans des agences de publicité.

Sur le chemin des États-Unis,suivre les cours de l’Illinois Institute of Technology, Agam se fixe à Paris en novembre 1951. C'est en cette année qu'il commence à s'intéresser à l'art cinétique. Il s'inscrit à l’atelier d'art abstrait qu'anime Jean Dewasne et fait la connaissance de Fernand Léger et d'Auguste Herbin.

Il bénéficie en 1953 de sa première exposition personnelle, Tableaux transformables, dans laquelle il pose les bases d'un travail dans lequel la référence au judaïsme – dans une perspective philosophique davantage que religieuse – est constamment sous-jacente. Il s'impose à la première exposition internationale d’art cinétique à la galerie Denise René, à Paris, en 1955. C'est alors André Breton qui choisit les titres de ses œuvres.

Agam connaît un très grand succès jusqu'au début des années 1970.

À partir de 1971 il crée trois décors pour trois formes d'assiettes en porcelaine à la Manufacture nationale de Sèvres. Nécessitant jusqu'à dix-huit pierres lithographiques pour un seul décor, ces pièces en édition limitée seront notamment présentées au Palais de l'Élysée.

Dominique VISSE

Lors de la saison 2016-2017, Dominique Visse incarne le rôle de Delfa (Il Giasone de Cavalli) au Grand Théâtre de Genève et le rôle de La Vieille (Orfeo de Rossi) à l'Opéra royal de Versailles et à l'Opéra national de Bordeaux. Il chante par ailleurs à Cracovie le rôle du Scribe dans Il Terremoto de Draghi, avec le Poème Harmonique de Vincent Dumestre et poursuit par ailleurs son activité de chanteur/directeur musical de l'Ensemble Clément Janequin, en tournée en Suisse, Belgique et France (Festival de La Chaise-Dieu, Saint-Omer).


Parmi ses récents engagements, citons le rôle de Rigo dans Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena de Conti (direction René Jacobs) au Theater an der Wien, à la Cité de la Musique de Paris et à la Philharmonie de Cologne, le rôle de La Vieille (Orfeo de Rossi) à l'Opéra National de Lorraine (direction Raphaël Pichon), a création de Wonderful Deluxe de Brice Pauset, au Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg et à Rotterdam ou encore, mais cette fois à la direction musicale, David et Jonathas de Charpentier avec l'Atelier lyrique de Tourcoing.

Jean - Jacques AILLAGON

Eté 2015,  Commissaire général du programme estival Promenades des Anglais (Nice).

Septembre 2014, Président de la Mission pour l’inscription de la Promenade des Anglais (Nice) sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l’UNESCO.

Le 14 février 2013, Nommé Président du Musée des Arts décoratifs. Il démissionne de la Présidence des Arts Décoratifs le 16 septembre 2013.

Octobre 2011 : Fait valoir ses droits à retraite.

6 juin 2007 : Par décret du Président de la République, il est nommé Président de l’Établissement public du château et musée et du domaine national de Versailles. Il exerce cette fonction de 2007 à 2011.

2006 : Directeur, Administrateur Délégué de Palazzo Grassi – Pointe de la Douane, à Venise, siège des activités artistiques de la Pinault Foundation.

6 avril 2005 : Élu administrateur puis Président-Directeur Général de la chaîne de télévision TV5 Monde par son conseil d’administration. Le même jour, il est nommé administrateur puis Président du Conseil d’Administration de Canal France International.

2004 jusqu’à ce jour: Conseiller de François Pinault, Président du groupe Artémis.

Septembre 2004 : nommé membre du Conseil économique et social au titre des personnalités qualifiées dans le domaine économique, social, scientifique ou culturel.

Avril 2004 : Elu Conseiller Régional de Lorraine. Il exerce ce mandat de 2004 à 2010.[]

2002-2004 : Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication.

2002 : Reconduction, par décret du 7 mars 2002, à la présidence du Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou.

1999 : Reconduction, par décret du 26 mars 1999, à la présidence du Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou.

1996 : Nommé, par décret du 17 décembre 1996, Président de la Mission 2000 en France.

1996 : Chargé par le Premier ministre d’une mission de réflexion pour l’organisation de la célébration, par la France, de l’entrée dans le troisième millénaire.

1996 : Nommé, par décret du 28 mars 1996, Président du Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou. Il occupera cette fonction de 1996 à 2002.

1995 : Commissaire Général de l’Année France-Égypte (1997-1998).

1995 : Élu Président de l’Association des Directeurs des affaires culturelles des grandes villes de France.

1993 : Directeur des affaires culturelles de la Ville de Paris.  Il exercera cette fonction jusqu’en 1996.

1992 : Directeur général de la Vidéothèque de Paris.

1990 : Coordinateur de la célébration du Centenaire de la naissance du Général de Gaulle.

1988 : Délégué Général aux manifestations culturelles de la Ville de Paris.

1985 : Adjoint au Directeur des affaires culturelles de la Ville de Paris et Directeur de l’Office d’information culturelle.

1982 : Administrateur du Musée national d’Art moderne au Centre Georges Pompidou.

1981 : Sous-directeur de l’École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, chargé de l’action culturelle et scientifique.

1978 : Chef du service des relations extérieures et des expositions à l’École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (Paris).

1977 : Chef du service des archives de l’architecture à l’École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (Paris).

1976 : Chargé de recherche au Centre d’études et de recherches architecturales (Ministère de la Culture).

1973-1976 : Professeur d’histoire et de géographie aux lycées d’Égletons et de Tulle (Corrèze).



Décorations :

Officier de la Légion d’Honneur, Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite, Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Commandeur des Palmes Académiques, nombreuses décorations étrangères.



Member of Parliament (Les Républicains, Paris)

UMP spokesman (Délégué géneral) for Foreign Affairs

Former Minister (European Affairs, Trade)
Former Special Representative AFPAK (Afghanistan – Pakistan)
“Les Républicains” Spokesman for Foreign Affairs

Pierre Lellouche is currently Deputy of Paris. He has been Member of French Parliament since 1993 (5 terms). Representing the center of the French capital since 1997, he is currently member of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the French National Assembly and member of Paris city Council. He also is the


After having studied in the University of Paris-Nanterre, Sciences Po and Harvard Law School (LLM, 1974, SJD 1978, Doctoral thesis on the internationalization of the nuclear fuel cycle), Pierre Lellouche became a lawyer, co-founder of the French institute for international relations (IFRI).


Specialist of foreign affairs, he was the diplomatic adviser to Jacques Chirac (1989-1997). He was elected President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (between 2004 and 2006) and French Special Envoy to ITER negotiations (thermo-nuclear fusion experimental reactor) 2003-2005.


Under Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency, Pierre Lellouche was successively French Special Representative for Afghanistan-Pakistan (2008-2009), Minister for Europe (2009-2010) and Foreign Trade Minister (2011-2012).


He is the author of numerous books and articles in national and international politics.


Hélène Bornstein is the Chairperson of IMPACT-SE, a research organization that monitors and analyses schoolbooks and curricula across the world with an eye to determining their compliance with international standards on peace and tolerance, as derived directly from UNESCO declarations and resolutions.

She was born in Paris, France, and attained a Master of Laws from the University of Paris. She was admitted to the Paris Bar in 1992. Among other roles, she served as a member of the Paris Bar Council and the Paris Bar Disciplinary Board. She lectured at the Paris Bar School of Law teaching ethics and also served as a lecturer at the PARIS XII University. She was admitted as an honorary member of the Paris Bar in 2014.


Médecin et universitaire, René Frydman est né le 3 novembre 1943 à Soumoulou (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Gynécologue des hôpitaux de Paris, professeur des universités, ancien chef de service de gynécologie obstétrique de l’hôpital Antoine-Béclère de Clamart (Hauts de Seine), René Frydman est le père scientifique du premier bébé éprouvette français : Amandine (1982) ; de Valentin premier bébé né indemne d’une grave maladie génétique grâce à la technique du DPI (diagnostic pré implantatoire en 2000) ; du premier bébé né grâce à la technique de maturation in vitro (Iris 2003) ; il est également avec son équipe à l’origine de la première naissance après congélation d’ovocytes (les jumeaux Jérémie et Keren en 2010). Enfin il donne naissance au premier bébé-médicament français Umut Talha en 2011. René Frydman a été membre du Comité national d'éthique (1986-90), Conseiller technique auprès de Bernard Kouchner (secrétaire d'Etat auprès de la ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité, chargé de la Santé) (1997-99), auprès de Roger-Gérard Schwartzenberg (ministre de la Recherche) (2000-01), Membre de la délégation française à l'ONU pour interdire le clonage à des fins de reproduction (2002). Professeur émérite à l'hôpital Necker et consultant en Reproduction à l'hôpital Foch de Suresnes, René Frydman anime une émission hebdomadaire "Discussions du soir" le mardi de 22h15 à 23h, sur France Culture.


Michel Rousseau, universitaire français, créateur de la fondation Concorde


Goudji was born in 1941 in a small Georgian town of Borjomi in a family of a physician and a lecturer of natural sciences; later the family moved to Batoumi on the Black sea coast.

At the age of 17 Goudji enters the Academy of Fine Arts in Tbilissi where he studies painting, sculpture, graphic arts and art history under talented professors, he has learned drawing under Vassily Shoukhayev, a Russian artist of l'Ecole de Paris who lived in France in the twentieth and thirtieth. Goudji devours books on history and theory of art and soon enough is offered a job at a workshop where he is modeling toys and ornaments out of samak - an alloy of zinc, tin and lead - for further industrial production. His competence and crectivity are duly appreciated: at the age of 23 he joins the USSR Artists Union thus becoming the youngest member of the prestigious body. Now he is very much in demand, he is getting orders for designing commemorative medals and postal stamps. It all gives him ample opportunities to travel, to spend time in the famous "homes of creativity" run by the Artists' Union for its members, to read as much as he wants to widen his scope of art knowledge. `

After his father's death in 1967 Goudji returns to Georgia. There he makes friends with two old artisans who from morning to nighifall are engaged in manufacturing identical copper trays and kettles to be sold at the bazar. Goudji watches them at work then little by little starts lending them a hand. This is a unique chance to master a technic kept alive for long ages,transmitted only through apprenticeship. In a couple of months Goudji acquires the skills of copper solUering, riveting, forging, chiselling.

Having come again to Moscow Goudji meets Katherine Barsacq, daughter of the famous director of Paris 's Theatre de l'Atelier André Barsacq and grand niece of Leon Bakst, decorator of the Russian Ballet of Diaghilev, working in the Cultural section of the French Embassy in the USSR. In spite of innumerable obstacles they get married in 1969 and apply for a French visa for Goudji. It immediately turns Goudji into a parich in the eyes of the Soviet state and society. He is left without any job or orders to wait for five long yeors for the permission to leave the country. He used the time to discover for himself andleorn from artisans of Oussolye (in the north-east of Russia's European part) the delicate technic of finift, a combination of copper and vitriol which is either spreud in layer upon layer or put into cells formed by copper mesh.

Thanks to repected efforts of President of France Georges Pompidou Goudji finally gets his exit visa. On January 31,1974 Goudji and Katherine arrive in France. They settle in Paris where the 33 yeors old artist can freely realize his creativity. On his own he masters the art of working precious metals evolving his instruments as the need arises. In the Soviet Union he was melting a couple of his grandfather's silver teaspoons to fashion some broches decorated with tiny sea pebbles...

In 1986 the French artist Goudji has become chevalier and in 1996 Comandor of the Order of Arts and Literature. In 1998, Goudji receives the title of "Maître d'Art" by the French Minister of Culture.


After a period of intensive conducting activity in Israel and in Europe as well as numerous piano recitals in Israel, he was invited in 2002 to the Teatro Municipal of Santiago de Chile for Gluck's "Orphée et Eurydice", produced for the first time in the history of the country. His sounding success with both the orchestra and chorus as well as with the public won him a second invitation in 2003 for a double-bill of Leoncavallo's "Pagliacci" and Puccini's "Gianni Schicchi" with the Italian baritone Leo Nucci. 

In 2005 he conducted Rossini's "Il Viaggio A Reims" with a first-rate cast of sixteen soloists at the Theâtre de La Monnaie in Brussels. This won him an overnight success, acclaimed by the public and acknowledged by the critics, opening his way to a brilliant international career. 

Rani Calderon studied piano with the late Prof. Pnina Salzman, a pupil of Alfred Cortot, both to become a major influence on Calderon's development as an artist. During his high school days, he organized his friends to form an orchestral ensemble combined with vocal soloists, and conducted arrangements which he had made of "Carmen", "West Side Story" and a selections of songs by Kurt Weill. During that period he was given his first conducting lessons by the late Prof. Shalom Ronli-Riklis, who also prepared Calderon for a first-time-in-Israel conducting matriculation. 

Later on Calderon studied conducting at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem with Prof. Mendi Rodan , concentrating on the symphonic repertoire. During the same period he continued studying the piano with Prof. Salzman at the Rubin Academy of Music in Tel-Aviv, playing a wide repertoire with a special emphasis on Chopin and Beethoven. He also studied harmony, counterpoint and composition with Prof. Yitzhak Sadai. 

During the IVAI opera workshop held in Tel-Aviv by Joan Dornemann from the Metropolitan Opera, where he was working as an accompanist, Calderon made acquaintance with the Florentine conductor, Maestro Bruno Rigacci who had been Tullio Serafin's assistant in his youth. This encounter proved to be vital for Calderon's development as an opera conductor. By observing Rigacci's way of working with singers, Calderon was able to learn the preparation methods of the old Italian maestri as well as acquire an intimate knowledge of the Italian operatic style from the bel canto to Puccini. 

It was Rigacci who invited Calderon to another summer workshop in Orvieto, Italy where full opera productions with orchestra were mounted. Calderon was to compete with five older Italian conductors and eventually win the first night of Puccini's "Suor Angelica" at the Teatro Mancinelli in 1996, at the age of 23. He returned to Orvieto in the next two years, each time winning the first night with "Madama Butterfly" (1997) and "Il Tabarro" (1998). 

Continuing his search for teachers of the various operatic styles, Calderon studied the French repertoire with Mme. Janine Reiss in Paris, also attending her master classes at the studio of the Opera de Paris. His knowledge of the German style was deepened by Mr. Richard Trimborn and Ms. Rita Loving in Munich, and Mr. Tom Christoff in Dresden. 

Calderon later conducted a. o. "Macbeth" (The Bukarest Radio Orchestra), "Elisir d'Amore" (Bühnen Graz), "Don Giovanni" (Volksoper, Vienna), "Zauberflöte" ,"Rigoletto", "Il Trittico" & "Turandot" (NIO, Tel-Aviv), "La Gioconda" & "La vie Parisienne" (ORW, Liège), "Rigoletto" (Opera de Massy), "La Sonnambula" (Vlaamse Opera), "Le Nozze di Figaro" (Mahon, Menorca), "Thais" (St. Etienne), "Andrea Chenier" (Monte Carlo), "Faust" (Bilbao), "Euryanthe" (Theatre du Capitole, Toulouse), "Aida" (Avignon) & "Simon Boccanegra" (Opera du Rhin, Strasbourg).

Following his La Monnaie success, he was invited by the Queen Elizabeth Competition to conduct a special concert for the Belgian national day (2007) in the presence of the royal family, transmitted on TV throughout Europe. 

At the Festival della Valle d'Itria in Italy he conducted Meyerbeer's "Semiramide" in a world premiere in modern times of the un-cut version, issued on "Dynamic"'. 

In 2010 Calderon was appointed principal conductor of the Orquesta Filarmonica de Santiago - the orchestra of the Teatro Municipal. Being a regular guest from 2002, he conducted at the Municipal a wide repertoire including Gluck's "Orphee", "Don Giovanni", a double-bill of "Pagliacci" & "Gianni Schicchi" with the italian baritone Leo Nucci, "Un Ballo in Maschera", "Tristan und Isolde", "L'italiana in Algeri", "Elektra" and "Macbeth". 

As a symphonic conductor he appeared with the Orchestra del Teatro La Fenice (Venice), Orchestre National de Belgique (Brussels), Orchestre National d'Ile de France (Paris),  Orchestre National de Montpellier, the OSPA (Oviedo), Orchestre Colonne (Paris), I Pomeriggi Musicali (Milano), the Sofia Philharmonic, the Rishon le-Zion Symphony Orchestra, the Ra-anana Symphonette and the Ashdod Chamber Orchestra in Israel. 

As a solo pianist he appeared in numerous recitals in Israel, where he played and explained a wide repertoire including Beethoven's 32 Sonatas, 7 Chopin recitals (including all the Études and Préludes), as well as works by Schubert, Schumann and Brahms. He gave solo recitals in Liege and during the Schumann festival in St. Etienne. He also frequently leads concertos from the piano. 

Future engagements include: "Ariadne auf Naxos" & "Aida" (Santiago de Chile), "Yevgeni Onegin" (Avignon) and "Oberon" (Theatre de la Capitole, Toulouse).

Rani Calderon speaks fluently Hebrew, English, Italian, French, German, Russian and Spanish and is currently studying ancient Greek. He won the America-Israel scholarship for conductors as well as the scholarship of the Dean of Faculty of Arts at the Tel Aviv University

Raphaël PALTI

Founder and CEO of ALTAVIA, Raphaël Palti created the ALTAVIA group in 1983, on the model of advertising and promotional agency. He was then 24 years. A graduate from ESLSCA, he cut his teeth in several advertising groups (Publicis and Eurocom in particular).


Altavia, a non-listed independent group specialized in commercial communication for network companies, now operates in 23 countries and 33 cities across Europe & Asia and reported a turnover of about 600 million euros in 2013, with more than 1 300 people.


For several years, Raphaël Palti and his group have been engaged in philanthropic initiatives through organizations involved in the fight against poverty, in developing entrepreneurship or in facilitating access to education & culture.

Peter de CALUWE

Peter de Caluwe (Dendermonde, 1963) studied literature and history of theatre at the universities of Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp. In 1986, Gerard Mortier invited him to La Monnaie in Brussels, where he worked as a dramaturge responsible for press contacts, public relations and youth projects.
In 1989, Pierre Audi and Truze Lodder requested Peter de Caluwe to join their team in Amsterdam. In his position as Director of International & External Communications, he was in charge of translating the company’s new artistic policy into a new public profile. In 1994, he took over the position of Casting Director, which later developed into Director of Artistic Administration. In that role, he was co-responsible with Pierre Audi for the artistic programming of the company.
Since 2007, Peter de Caluwe has been the General & Artistic Director of the Théâtre Royal de La Monnaie. A second term in this position will prolong his stay with the company until 2019.
In 2011, under his leadership, La Monnaie was nominated Opera House of the Year by the specialized German magazine Operwelt - a leading reference on opera worldwide. That same year, Radio Klara and the Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen elected him Musical Personality of the Year. In 2013, Peter de Caluwe was named Manager of the Year by the Flemish Association for Management and Public Policy. The following year, Lobby Magazine elected him Leader of the Year, an award up to that point only reserved for politicians. 2014 also 
marks the year, in which the Université Libre de Bruxelles bestowed the title Doctor Honoris Causa on him. After the Honorary Causa Master degree from the Brussels Ecole supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc, this represents the second academic acknowledgment for his merits in his position as the General Director of La Monnaie, as well as his endeavours for European culture in general.
From 2011 to 2013, Peter de Caluwe was President of Opera Europa, the leading organisation of professional opera companies and festivals in Europe. Today, he is an executive board member of various cultural and management institutions. 


Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur

Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite

Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques



Maire du XVI ème arrondissement depuis avril 2008  - Réélu en 2014, Député de la 14ème circonscription de Paris (16ème arrondissement), Ancien Ministre de la Réforme de l’Etat, de la Décentralisation et de la Citoyenneté.


Avocat à la Cour d'Appel de Paris, Ancien Recteur d’Académie, Directeur du Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance,  

Inspecteur général de l’Education Nationale.

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